Learn SEO Internet Marketing from Experts

Free Ebook: Learning SEO from the Experts

Taking Advantage of Search Engine Optimization for Your Business

Search engines have become a core resource for individuals looking for a business, product, or service. This transition to online search has, over the years, reduced the need for traditional search methods, such as yellow pages and newspapers.

And since the consumer searching landscape has changed, the way your business gets found must change.

Whether you’ve already invested in an SEO strategy or are just getting started, this guide will help you gain a stronger understanding of all aspects of the SEO process. The ideas, best practices, and examples all come from top SEO experts, such as:

  • Rand Fishkin from SEOmoz
  • Dharmesh Shah from HubSpot
  • Rebecca Churt from HubSpot
  • Stephanie Chang from Distilled
  • Greg Shuey from SEO.com

Download the guide to the right to learn from the pros and start driving more traffic to your site.

Download Free Ebook: Learning SEO from the Experts

Source: HubSpot

CA$HVERTISING: How to Use More than 100 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make Big Money Selling Anything to Anyone

CASHVERTISING: How to Use More than 100 Secrets of Psychology to Make Big Money

FACT: Your brain is being controlled-and you don’t even know it. Because if you think the ads you’re seeing today are just pretty pictures with nice, creative copy, you’re mistaken. Truth is, you are being powerfully influenced by dozens of proven scientific principles of advertising psychology… little-known techniques of consumer persuasion that go completely unnoticed by the buying public. And they’re causing you-and millions like you-to spend enormous amounts of money every day on countless products and services. But what are these principles? How do they work? And how can you use them in your own advertising?

Prepare yourself for a unique learning experience as author Drew Eric Whitman takes you on a wild, roller-coaster ride through the streets of New York’s famed Madison Avenue and teaches you the specific psychological techniques that today’s top copywriters and designers use to influence the masses… and how you can use them to rapidly increase your sales, no matter what you sell.

In 207 fast-moving pages, Whitman teaches you dozens of well-guarded secrets that he learned during his 25+ years in the ad business, including:

*60% of people read only your headline and what to do about it
*Captions under photos get 200% greater readership than non-headline copy
*Ads with sale prices draw 20% more attention
* To double your ad’s attention-getting value, you must enlarge it 400%
*Four-color ads are up to 45% more effective than black and white
*Prices ending in “95” are less effective than those ending in “99”
*The psychology of size… page positioning… typefaces… pricing…social proof… and color
*How to make people believe what you say
*How to persuade people to respond
*Effective tricks for writing psychologically potent headlines
*What mistakes to avoid at all costs
*What you should always/never do in your ads
*Expert formulas, guidance, tips and strategies
*And much more.

Download this Great E-book